Recognizing a licensed Oom Yung Doe® school

Oom Yung Doe schools offer the proper training methods of Traditional Moo Doe that have proven throughout history to be one of the fastest ways to harmonize the mind and body. Use of Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Grandmaster “Iron” Kim’s lifetime achievement photos, and the proprietary likeness of Oom Yung Doe signify that a school is in good standing with Oom Yung Doe, LLC and following the quality standards necessary to ensure all students have the opportunity to receive the highest level of training possible.

It is the responsibility of Oom Yung Doe to protect the value of the Registered Trademarks and Trade Secrets, Grandmaster “Iron” Kim’s lifetime achievement photos, and the proprietary likeness of Oom Yung Doe. Schools licensed by Oom Yung Doe, LLC have the right to use these items to properly display the strength of the Oom Yung Doe™ Line. Someone who doesn’t have a license with Oom Yung Doe but uses any items (some examples shown below) to portray teaching or promoting the Oom Yung Doe, Chung Moo Doe or Chung Moo Quan line of Traditional Moo Doe is clearly in violation of federal trademark law. They are also misleading their students as to the quality of teaching, which is ensured by Oom Yung Doe at licensed schools.

These rights include displaying the following items (below are some examples of Trademarked items):

  • front of school
  • office wall
  • practice room
  • waiting room
    BellvueOutside ChungMooDoeWSSchool
    front of school
    NorthSeattleOfficeWall FraminghamOfficeWall
    office wall
    PtLomaPracticeRoom FraminghamPracticeRoom
    practice room
    BellvueWaitingRoomA QueenAnneWaitingRoomA
    waiting room
  • Oom Yung Doe, Chung Moo Doe or Chung Moo Quan Flags
    OomYungDoeFlagA ChungMooQuanFlag
  • waiting room displays
    FirstHillDisplayA NorthSeattleDisplayA
    NorthSeattleDisplayB NorthSeattleDisplayC
    NorthSeattleDisplayD FraminghamDisplayA
    BellvueDisplayA NorthSeattleDisplayE
  • Short Chinese calligraphy
    (written by Grandmaster, either original or duplicate)

    WithOneAccord OneMind MakeAnEffort HumanCulture Faith Diligence
    Belief DoOnesBest BodyAndSpiritTraining Collaboration Etiquette Faithful
    Justice MentalConcentration Training Patience Determination MartialArts
  • Long Chinese calligraphy
    (written by Grandmaster, either original or duplicate)

    WhereThereIsAWillThereIsAWay InspireTheCourageOfOneself MartialArtPerfection PainIsGoneAndPleasureIsCome AttainOnes(Original)Object AStrongWill DisciplineYourMindAndBody UnitedWeStandDividedWeFall

Other items

  • Photos of Grandmaster (originals or duplicates)
    • Kyong Gong Sul Bope
    • Flying Side Kick
  • Pagodas
    FraminghamPagodaA PagodaB
    PtLomaPagodaA PtLomaPagodaB
  • Double Sword Symbol
    • Current Judging & Teaching Certificates


    • Current School License


    • Tiger Dragon Symbol
    • Tiger Symbol
    • Testing badges
    TigerDragonRegTM TigerSymbol TestingBadge
  • Patches/Uniform System

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