Jump Kick
Grandmaster “Iron” Kim demonstrates a flying jump side kick by jumping straight up into the air from a standing position. Once in the air he sights the opponent, decides on the method of attack, and then concentrates power to his hands and feet to carry out the attack. From this position, the body can turn in any direction (up to 360 degrees) while having complete offensive and defensive capabilities. Only someone who has the ability to combine Kyung Gong Sul Bope and Nae Gong is capable of achieving such mastery of form in movement. Through these achievements, regardless of age, miraculous strength can be attained.
In the first photo on the left, Grandmaster “Iron” Kim is attacking down after jumping over the 6’3″ instructor.

Kum Gung Quan

Qua Dae Quan

Yong San Kwun Bope

Shin Doe Bope

Yong Do Doe Quan

All the following information is the result of over a quarter of a century of research into the history, legends, and traditions of true Moo Doe (martial arts). This research was done by a team of higher level Oom Yung Doe – the Grandmaster “Iron” Kim Style practitioners (8th degree and higher) and has been gathered from what they understand and have personally observed. It is their desire to prevent the misunderstanding and misinterpretation of true Moo Doe and to share what they have learned and gained with all individuals interested in martial arts. They are dedicated to preserving the value of Traditional Moo Doe (martial arts) in the United States so that all others may benefit by developing to their fullest potential.
Have You Ever Experienced Traditional Moo Doe?
This website is intended to educate students and other interested individuals on the meaning and value of Traditional Moo Doe (martial arts). In this country, many people are confused about martial arts. Some people think that martial arts is simple self-defense and some think that it is exercise or simply a way to “get in shape.” Still, others think that martial arts is a sport or contest. This is unfortunate since traditional martial arts has far more benefits to offer than merely this.
Traditional Moo Doe has developed over centuries and many generations of individuals have dedicated their lives to finding the best and most correct ways for reaching their fullest potential. This knowledge is highly prized in Asia and a school that can teach correct Moo Doe knowledge is not common nor easy to find. Here in the United States, we have only just begun to understand the depth of true Moo Doe knowledge or how to recognize true Moo Doe ability. The photographs, symbols, and explanations that follow are meant to illustrate the strength of the movements and forms. For the student willing to learn and to try, history has proven that the rewards are well worth the effort. It is the extraordinary mental and physical development and the combining of the mind, body, and spirit that is Moo Doe. And in truth, what can be more valuable than that type of knowledge?
Grandmaster “Iron” Kim has taught some instructors, with the position of Head National Instructor and higher, the beginning levels of Kyong Gong Sul Bope. They are now capable of jumping and landing from a 2 or 3 story building without injury.
Some higher Moo Doe practitioners throughout history have left behind pictures, paintings and drawings depicting the achievements of their movements. Over the centuries, the names of many of these individuals have been forgotten, but the movement they have left behind will be remembered by many. One of Grandmaster “Iron” Kim’s greatest and most important accomplishments is being achieved through sharing his knowledge which enables hundreds of thousands of people to benefit their daily lives.
Grandmaster “Iron” Kim hopes that others will be able to reach a level of accomplishment greater than he has achieved.
Extraordinary achievements of Grandmaster "Iron" Kim
Throughout the centuries very few individuals have ever come close to achieving the incredible level of skill and ability that Grandmaster “Iron” Kim has achieved. Grandmaster is renowned as the living icon of Traditional Moo Doe (Traditional Martial Arts). Still to this day, there are many individuals who have witnessed the incredible skills and abilities that Grandmaster has clearly demonstrated, as Grandmaster is known not to merely talk about what he is capable of but instead he clearly demonstrates his skill and ability. This follows one of the main Traditional Moo Doe principles that one should never merely talk about their abilities and achievements but instead should clearly demonstrate their abilities and achievements.
As the 8th generation Oom Yung Doe grandmaster, Grandmaster “Iron” Kim has achieved the incredible treasures of strength and harmony of the body, mind and spirit. This goal of mind and body harmony has been sought by people for centuries, but many people have found incredibly difficult to achieve. Today these goals can be reached through Traditional Moo Doe training which is proven to be one of the fastest and best ways to have an excellent overall physical, mental, spiritual condition with inner peace.
Grandmaster “Iron” Kim many times demonstrated the movement, strength, and superiority of the Oom Yung Doe line in both Asia and the United States. He is one of only about a dozen individuals worldwide over the last century who has achieved the ability to demonstrate a broad range of incredible skills and abilities. These demonstrations showed his incredible ability to move internal energy to any area of his body at will. Someone capable of reaching the level of Grandmaster should have accomplished between fifteen and twenty extraordinary achievements. Over the years, Grandmaster “Iron” Kim has demonstrated over fifty extraordinary achievements, some of which are noted below. These demonstrations are meant to illustrate the true strength and power necessary to be considered a true Grandmaster and necessary to teach a proper line of Traditional Moo Doe (True Martial Arts).
Grandmaster has successfully trained well over 1,000 very outstanding instructors around the world.